With over 40,000 hours of pragmatic and experimental research into the Ancient Hebrew Principle of the Scriptures, and the energetic physics of the "Holy Spirit", and human spirit, or what is more commonly called "human energy", we have successfully identified how Spirit works (its Law of Physics), and how it applies to Psychology, Human Behavior, Mental Health, Physical Health and Wellbeing, Physics, and much more.
Project "Day"
Findings concerning the Law of Spirit or Human Energy, at the International Institute of Pneumatology has now made it possible to practically promote healing, as well as even prolong life immeasurably for all humanity.
We are now focused on subjecting these findings to more scientific scrutiny and validation, to establish a system of physical health and wellbeing that would be accessible to everyone from the Physics of their very own spirit or energy.
Findings at ZKIIOP has revealed that the route cause of interruption to health and life is Identity Codependecy. According to Biblical Literature through the lens of the Ancient Hebrews, the restoration of mankind to Self-Existent Identity, is their return to life and health.
Project Illumination
Findings concerning the Law of Spirit or Human Energy, at the International Institute of Pneumatology has now made it possible to practically promote mental health, as well as even prolong life immeasurably for all humanity.
We are now focused on presenting these findings to the field of Psychology, to establish a system of Mental Health and wellbeing that would be accessible to everyone through a system of logic that is synergetic with the Physics of their very own spirit or energy.
Findings at ZKIIOP has revealed that the route cause of interruption of Mental Health and Happiness is Identity Codependecy. According to Biblical Literature through the lens of the Ancient Hebrews, the restoration of mankind to Self-Existent Identity, is their return to Mental Health and sustained Happiness.
Project Scripture Key
With over 40,000 hours of pragmatic and experimental research into the Ancient Hebrew Principle of the Scriptures, and the energetic physics of the "Holy Spirit", we have successfully identified that the Foundational Principle that all Covenants, as well as all Prophecies stand, and are expressing, is God's Name.
Our research has revealed that the English Language, as many other languages in our Greco-Roman influenced civilization, is simplistic in comparison to the multiplied thousand year old Ancient Hebrew language. The English language is a young language.
The Ancient Hebrew language is at least, approximately 700% more sophisticated, and multi-faceted than the English language from which the westernized Christian culture has formulated all theology from, regarding the Name of God. One of the facets of the Ancient Hebrew Language concerning the Name in the Scriptures, is that it is a Principle of Functionality. This Principle of Functionality was understood by the Priesthood of the Ancient Israelites, and even more so by King Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel.
We are now dedicated to re-presenting the Bible through the lens of this Ancient Key to the Christian Community, and to the world at large. As a result of ignorance to this key, the westernized world misguidedly surmised the context of this work of Ancient literary genius.